Anschreiben auf Englisch Beispiele

Anschreiben auf Englisch Beispiele

Ein Anschreiben hat die gleiche Funktion wie seine polnische Entsprechung. Die Aufgabe einer Bewerbung ist, das Profil des Bewerbers näher darzustellen und die Informationen vom Lebenslauf zu ergänzen. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr Beispiele von Motivationsschreiben, die euch helfen, eure eigene Bewerbung zu schreiben.

Anschreiben auf Englisch Muster und Beispiele:

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 1 – Konstrukteur

Human Resources Manager
XXX Company
Broad Road 65
San Francisco, CA 94682

Klaus Blender
St.-Johann-Straβe 34
10405 Berlin
phone number: 0351 646 54 54

Berlin, 21 March 2013

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the job which was advertised in Berliner Zeitung from the March 20th issue.

I graduated from University Of Technology in Berlin in 2010 with a master degree. Previously, I have been working for YYY company in Berlin as a designer. My experience of working for the company over the years has shown my creativity and good skills, which I believe would be of great help while working as a designer in your company. For the last few years, I have been consistently developing my skills and experience of working in Auto CAD. Through these years I have successfully completed many projects working alone, as well as in a group, so I can tell that I have good social skills. I work quick and smart, and I always get things done before the deadline. Additionally, I have a driving licence – category B since the year 2005. I speak fluent English.

Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Klaus Blender

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 2 – Koch

Human Resources Manager
Mike’s Restaurant
50 Sandy street
Lancashire M15LE
United Kingdom

Paul Schmidt
Bautzner Straße 112
01099 Dresden
phone number: 0351 646 54 54

Dresden, 22 May 2014

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to respond to a job advertisement you posted on your company’s website a week ago. I am applying for the post of a chef in your restaurant located in Manchester.

I graduated from a culinary school in Dresden in 2013 and have been looking for an appropriate job ever since. When I finally came across your post advertisement, I knew it was the job I would like to take up, as I have been engaged in cooking and assisting chefs all my life and it has turned into my passion. I have all the qualities and references required to be employed as a chef in a restaurant, and I feel I would certainly meet your expectations once you decided to take me on.

The job you advertise on your website would let me develop myself as a chef, or a chef assistant, and would let your company grow as well, since I would be a great addition to your already existing crew.

Please do contact me if my candidature fulfills your expectations towards a prospective employee.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Schmidt

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 3 – Fahrer

Human Resources Manager
XXX Company
70 Parkside View
San Francisco, CA 94682

Sven Groβ
Berliner Str. 89
60311 Frankfurt am Main
phone number:069 95196436

Frankfurt am Main, 10 November 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

In response to your job posting that I found in a local newspaper, I am applying for the job of a professional driver for your company.

I have been a professional driver for over eight years now, a period throughout which I have gathered a great deal of experience that, I hope, will contribute to your company’s offer. I finished 5th High School in Frankfurt and completed Toyota professional driver training, which enabled me to become an even better driver across various types of vehicles. My driving license makes it possible for me to drive a number of different kinds of vehicles.
The post I am applying for would let me further develop as a driver, while fulfilling my profession and delivering a quality service to you as an employer. I believe my qualifications and skills make me the appropriate candidate for the job you are advertising in the local media.

Do contact me under the phone number mentioned in the CV form if you find my application attractive.

Yours faithfully,

Sven Groβ

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 4 – Krankenschwester

Dr John Smith
Royal London Hospital
Whitechapel Road
London E1 1BB
United Kingdom

Eva Müller
Aachener Straße
10713 Berlin
phone number: 030 81 72 23 02

Berlin, 11 September 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in order to apply for the position of a nurse in the Royal London Hospital. This is in an anwer to a job posting advertised in a specialised newspaper.

I graduated from Medical University of Berlin in 2005 and immediately took up a Nurse training program at The University Hospital in Berlin. After the training was completed, I became employed by the same hospital and performed the tasks that a nurse is responsible for. Throughout the years of education, training, and working as a nurse, I have gathered a great amout of experience that I would now like to use in the position of a nurse in the Royal London Hospital.
Since the position I am applying for requires great responsibility and flawless proficiency in English, I am even more eager to start working for you, as these are the challenges I am keen to face and fulfill in a satisfactory fashion. I believe my application covers all the requirements you listed in the advertisement and I would be a great addition to the highly-trained staff of the hospital.

I do look forward to hearing back from you at the following phone number: 030 81 72 23 02.

Thank you for your time,


Eva Müller

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 5 – Babysitter

Mr Rich
Wide 60 Street
San Francisco, CA 94682

Luiza Müller
Türkenstraße 43
80799 München
phone number: 089 272 0699

München, 5 June 2014

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for the babysitter job, as advertised on Gumtree.

I am a fresh graduate with passion and love towards children. I have attended numerous courses at the Academy of Special Education in München that aim at bringing up children and have a Children care and support certificate to testify on my skills and ex perience. Babysitting your child would be an immensely satisfying job to me that I would love to take up and I believe my service would be greatly appreciated by yourself.
If you find my application interesting and worthy of responding to, feel free to contact me at the phone number: 089 272 0699.

Thank you for your time,

Yours faithfully,

Luiza Müller

Motivationsschreiben Beispiel 6 – Marketingleiter

München, 26.09.2014
David Klein
Hochstraße 34
81669 München
Tel. 89 66107099

ABC Company Office Building
55 East 52nd Street 21st Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (718) 222-2222‎

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement on site: dated 25 september 2014. I would like to apply for the position Marketing Manager in your company.

As outlined in my resume, which I have enclosed, I attended : First High School in München. I graduated School of Economics in München in 2010 with a master degree of Economics.
I am currently employed as Assistand Managing Director at Millenium Bank, where my duties include the organisation of staff and stock, as well as the allocation of budget within the sales department. I am also responsible for overseeing the whole business.
I believe that I would be a ideal candidate for the position you have outlined, as I have had extensive marketing training. I have a number of good business contact in New York. Finally, I am willing to relocate at short notice, which I understand to be a requirement of the position.
I easily learn new things and I am open to new challenges. I am good at handling stress situations, where one has to act quickly and calmly. I am a creative, articulate person who finds it easy to communicate with others. I can work eficiently both in a team and individually.
I believe my qualifications and experience make me well suited to the position you are advertising. My enclosed CV provides additional details about my background. I thank you for considering my application and am willing to attend an interview at any time.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
David Klein

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